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9 Life-Changing Facts to Improve Teamwork and Increase Productivity

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

The 21st century has caused a change in work environments causing more employment opportunities for people. The meaning of work and productivity has completely changed as we are learning to adapt to the technological revolution that is taking place.

It is crucial to keep ourselves up to date with the latest facts and statistics regarding teamwork to improve our skills and avoid future errors. How many members does a successful work team usually consist of? Within the last month, what have you done to be a better team member? Are you aware of the most effective ways to communicate with your team members?

This blog will address the answers to those questions in detail. Conversations relating to teamwork and productivity are vital for leaders, employees, and team members to improve performance.

1. Virtual teams can outperform face-to-face groups.

Now that the world has switched to a remote or hybrid workforce, we realize how much we can or cannot achieve at home. Many people are excelling and considering switching to remote work permanently. The beauty of virtual teams is that you get the best of both worlds. You can work as a group and individually all at the same time. People are more comfortable with virtual teams because they are in their own space. They are comfortable and are still productive. When applicable, allow your team to work in groups and notice how accurately and fast they accomplish their tasks.

2. Productivity improves by 20 to 25 percent in organizations with connected employees.

The connection between employees is vital for improved productivity. There are specific actions that leaders can take to achieve this, including bonding events and exercises. These can be as creative as your imagination would like to be (within legal and professional means 🧐🤓). Employees will benefit from these as well. 🙌🏻In addition, having a culture that promotes diversity also increases employee engagement and productivity. It allows for a dynamic environment and opens up a discussion for cultural appreciation.

3. The best teams communicate outside of formal meetings.

A good team knows they must get things done before the weekly meeting. They see the necessity to over-communicate, especially when working remotely. Having a work friendship is bound to happen and, in fact, for the better of it. By building professional relationships, you will get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses and navigate them in a way that can benefit both individuals.

4. 41% of team members who are aware of their strengths show lower absenteeism.

Few employees recognize their strengths, and even fewer know their team members. Teamwork in business has many benefits, predominantly if team members are guided to discover and develop their specific strengths. Research shows strength awareness leads to higher engagement and, naturally, more desirable outcomes. In addition to lower absenteeism, turnover is reduced in 24% of the cases (calculate your company's turnover rate here), 17% of employees are more productive, and 21% of organizations show higher profitability, collaboration statistics show.

5. One-third of HR specialists agree that collaboration impacts employee morale.

Putting talented employees on the same team can mean something other than stellar performance. 33% of HR professionals report poor team collaboration decreases employee morale. Team members need to collaborate accordingly to be effective.

Workplace collaboration statistics pinpoint excessive micromanagement as the second most common factor for low morale in the workplace.

6. Recognizing quality work and achievements of workgroups increases profits by 29%.

According to CliftonStrengths' assessment, an organization that focuses on developing their employees' strengths and praises their accomplishments enables continuous teamwork enhancement. This improves company culture and generates higher profits. Statistics on teamwork in the workplace, meanwhile, show that employees who are encouraged to work in teams deliver 19% higher sales and a 7% increase in customer engagement.

7. Mobile devices are used for collaboration by 49% of employees.

Technology is reshaping teamwork as we know it. Collaboration stats demonstrate that 82% of professionals would feel affected if they lost their collaboration technology. Knowledge workers spend 14% of their working hours on communication and collaboration, many employees use mobiles to collaborate and communicate, and an incredible 92% believe mobile phones are super important.

8. The global online collaboration market is expected to reach $59.86 billion by 2023.

Online collaboration statistics show that 70% of organizations trust that their employees will start extensively using collaboration apps. 67% believe using social media tools for the workplace will continue to grow, and a solid 62% of employers predict that instant messaging apps will be massively used. As a result, it is not only the online collaboration market that is expected to bloom but VR and AR as tools for interactive experience are forecasted to reach $16.1 billion by 2025.

9. The dream team size is 4.6.

The most successful workplace teams ideally consist of between 4 and 9 members. Employers tend to add more members to an existing group to accelerate the work process. And when this backfires, which it often does, they are not only faced with reduced employee morale but also failure. In other words, the bigger the team, the higher the miscommunication. Research on teamwork and productivity statistics shows that smaller teams make decisions faster, overcome communication hurdles and display outstanding productivity.

But Why Do Teamwork and Productivity Actually Matter So Much and Do They Really Go Hand in Hand?

Factual knowledge regarding vital topics such as teamwork and productivity can make the world's difference in performance in the workplace. The more you know, the better you can apply your new-found knowledge and become the best person for yourself and others. Part of being a team member is having a growth mindset and being open to accepting new ideas to improve. By simply reading this blog and taking in all the further information, you are practicing the concept of having a growth mindset.

How will you be applying these facts to your workplace? Will you be working on strengthening your bond with your team members? What is the next step to take to be more productive? Feel free to share this information with others and change their perspective on the meaning of being a good team player and productivity.


About HR Lab: Formed in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, HR Lab is here to make a difference. At HR Lab, we work to strengthen workforce quality by improving the HR system, ensuring its ongoing relevance, and preparing employers, workers, educators, and governments to use it effectively. Our vision is a labor market that relies on the relevance, quality, and value of workforce credentials for opportunities, growth, and development.

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Disclaimer: The information in these materials should not be considered legal, accounting, or investment advice, and it should not substitute for legal, accounting, investment, and other professional advice where the facts and circumstances warrant. It is provided for informational purposes only. If you require legal, accounting, or investment advice, or need other professional assistance, you should always consult your attorney, accountant, or other professional advisor to discuss your particular facts, circumstances, business, personal finance, and investment needs.


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